Where has the time gone? We cannot believe it’s almost 2023! This year will most definitely go down in Farmers State Bank history as one of the best years yet. You can read more about that in the last paragraph of this newsletter. It wouldn’t have been possible without our phenomenal customers, outstanding leadership team, and out-of-this-world talented employees!
We cannot wait to see what God has in store for 2023. Praying that you and your loved ones have a healthy and prosperous new year!
Let’s Celebrate!
Your Friends at Farmers State Bank

Community: Earlier this week, the Eldorado Holiday Basketball Tournament took place from the 26th – 28th, and FSB Insurance got the opportunity to sponsor that beautiful trophy above! Eric Witges, Chief Operating Officer of FSB Insurance, proudly presented the trophy to the tournament champions, the Herrin Tigers! Congratulations boys!
In-Branch: New year, same holiday closing dates. All Farmers State Bank branches will be closed on Monday, January 2nd, in observance of New Year’s Day. Don’t worry, regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd. Need to deposit a check, move money, or check your balance? Use the MyFSB Mobile Banking App and bank from your phone!

Financial Literacy: Traditionally, the new year is the most common time that people begin to change their habits, start a new hobby, and/or get organized. If you’re still in search of a new year’s resolution, let us introduce five things we think you should do in the new year if you aren’t doing them yet. 1.) Start Investing – Your future self will thank you. 2.) Start an Emergency Fund – Set some money aside so you aren’t panicking when a rainy day comes. 3.) Identify Bad Spending Habits – This is the easiest way to pull back on spending. 4.) Educate Yourself – Read a financial book, listen to a financial podcast, or join a local financial literacy group. 5.) Find Accountability – Share your financial goals with an advisor, banker, or friend to ensure you get the job done!
Enjoy: We can’t think of a better way to end our last 2022 In The Know newsletter than by recapping all the amazing things that happened at Farmers State Bank this year. First and foremost, we were blessed to be named The Top Extraordinary Bank in the Nation by the Institute for Extraordinary Banking. As if that wasn’t enough, we planted FSB roots in Herrin, IL and can’t wait to move into our fifth branch in early 2023. Our CEO, Charlie, (almost) got to throw out the first pitch at the St. Louis Cardinals game (to be rescheduled due to rain!). We acquired the other half of the Williams and Associates Insurance agency and now own FSB Insurance in its totality which has brought us many new wonderful co-workers, customers, and relationships. We taught high schools, a college football team, and local businesses about financial literacy. We’ve taken business trips, hired outstanding new employees, and pressed on as a community bank during these unpredictable financial times. We’ve laughed entirely too much, learned more than we could ever dream, and have loved our customers, co-workers, and neighbors with our entire hearts. We give all the glory to our Heavenly Father – our cups most definitely runneth over!